Capabilities & Expertise

Lani Solutions, LLC provides Federal Contract treatment to predominantly Native American adolescents, adults and their families. This involves assessments using psychological tests, conducting individual sessions, group sessions, and family sessions. Lani Solutions, LLC approaches treatment using standard best therapy practices as outlined by ATSA  and NAFC (National Association of Forensic Counselors). These approaches require the client take responsibility for their offense; understand the components that led to the offense; present an offense cycle to the parents; and develop a plan for the client’s future.

Lani Solutions, LLC is a woman-owned small business.

Key Clients

Services• Federal Bureau of Prisons

• State of New Mexico

• Southwestern College

Affiliations & Memberships

• Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)

• National Association of Forensic Counselors (NAFC)

• Gottman Institute Network Member

Licenses & Certifications

Licensed Professional Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Clinically Certified Sex Offense Treatment Specialist

Certified Juvenile Sex Offender Treatment Specialist


Elsa Backstrom, CJSOTS, CCSOTS, LPCC 0157651

DUNS#: 071559316